Monday, July 30, 2007

Daddy's are so lucky

They always are the ones getting their picture taken with their babes

Calling for Boags

He wouldn't leave his shady spot so she had to go to him

Saturday, July 21, 2007

New Haircut

Girls Best Friend

March '06

August '06

February '07

July '07
Jaimbo sent me some sweet flipflops

Silver Snow Globe

A present from my great mommy dot and papa

Poppy's and Mimi's Anniversery

Mark brought Brianna and Ashleigh to surprise the newlyweds

Watching TV with Poppy

Miller Park

Corn on the Cob

hm, what's this treat on a stick

and why did mom get the camera out? Guess i have to perform...

Ok, here we go....

Look, one hand,

Ok what next, oh i know, the head toss

Not like the old days

Parties have gotten alot more laid back at Jan's pool. Here are some pics from Courtney's baby shower and Hayes' 1st birthday.

Me, Chandra (due Oct.), Courtney (due August), & Jaime

Dave, Hayes, & Jaime

4th of July

See Jaime's Blog.

Summer so far

Harper started walking on Father's day and since then the picture taking has dramatically declined. But here's some stuff that has happened.

Hayes came to visit for the 4th and we also helped him celebrate his 1st birthday on the 3rd. Here's our birthday morning photoshoot, I don't know if Hayes was as into it as she was.